Ethnic Stories 

The son of the missionary is much braver than he looks!

Red and White meet in peace and the love be-gins to grow! 

A bold story about breaking out of an all male society!

A heroine is desperate to stop the war and gets help!

Pocahontas was never portrayed sexier and wiser ever before!

Small people can be strong and big people can be wrong! 

The humble hummingbird tribe is living without shame!

A feisty tale of female bravery with a happy end indeed! 

Caught and sold for money and sex, slaves are business!

To escape her circumcision Sumali marries a white boy!

Nature and sex are stress rela-xants and a lot of fun too!

Six scary night-mares are tur-ning  from fear into pleasure! 

Stranded with  heathens can be fun: don’t you be surprised! 

Everything can happen to sexy  virgins out in the desert!

A feisty tale of female bravery with a happy end indeed! 

The battle of the sexes in its primeval form: sweat and lust!

Ballet Boys are gay but have to dance with the girls with love!

The inquisition was sheer terror and one boy took revenge!

A drama from epic propor-tions: a movie not to miss!

All the things you were never told when you were young!