It’s a hard life on the bottom of the cleric pe-cking order!
Six guys spent their holiday in the snow and try to stay hot!
Monks aren’t as innocent as they look and not celibate!
Stay away from them all: those bad girls only mean trouble!
A place where nobody will get away without a sore bottom!
To get a sword and to be trai-ned to kill isn’t his intention!
It’s a hard life on the bottom of the cleric pe-cking order!
A ghost and a pirate ad to the cast and provi-de the thrill!
Cute boys love to show their bodies for mo-ney and love!
The boarding school rules are very strict and easily violated!
All the lonely street urchins dream of mo-ney and fun!
Getting abduc-ted is probably a good way to get some fun!
Those girls are fit and won’t take any shit from soldiers!
When submis-sion becomes passion every-thing goes!
Those boys are fit and won’t take any shit from lesbians!
Female wrest-ling in its pri-mal form: hot and sweaty!